Hey, it’s been a while and I’m sorry about that. Between trying to navigate a
Covid world; a move that was anything but easy, and some other stuff I’m still
trying to process, blog post reserve has been drained. Burnout was and is is
real. The good news: 

A. I’m working onseveral new posts, including one on my
thoughts on the Omnipod 5, one on local D buddies. Happy to say that blog posts
in process are very real and will be posted soon and I am so very glad and
B. Today is my 45th Diaversary!

Yep, today marks 45 years of living with diabetes. 45 years ago a little girl
with a big imagination and extensive vocabulary entered the hospital on
Halloween morning with a busted pancreas and was diagnosed with T1. 

This year’s
celebration is quiet, mostly because it’s Monday during a week that requires a
lot of juggling on my end.
 Every year on October 31st I write a list of things
I’m grateful for and in no particular order. Here’s this year’s list. 

  1. Cheese –
    in all shapes and forms
  2.  My nieces and nephews 
  3. Good books 
  4. Tasty tea –
    super addicted to Rooibos
  5.  Salt air 
  6. Dark chocolate topped with sea-salt
  7.  The color green 
  8. Cheeseburger, medium rare, topped with the works – bonus
    points for jalapeños 
  9. Vintage Costume Jewelry – I collect it 
  10. “Real
    Jewelry.” I collect that too 🙂 
  11. Dogs. Dogs are awesome and I’ll fight you on
  12. Cooking for the people I love 
  13. Making a tasty meal from scratch for
    myself. Cleaning up after? Not so much 
  14. Traveling – I miss traveling. I need
    to travel. I have over 55,000 air miles – time to cash them in 
  15.  The color
    yellow. I love yellow – it reminds me of my mom and daffodils and the sun. Truth
    be told I had a thing for yellow and purple as a little girl. Still do 
  16. Really good extra virgin olive oil 
  17. Exploring – going to a new place and
    discovering its nooks and crannies; locals and spots that make said place magic
  18. Clouds 
  19. Photography – I love taking pictures 
  20. Spicy sushi 
  21. A meal out with friends 
  22. Atlantic City Italian bread. GOOGLE IT 
  23. My
    DOC family and friends – you are my Friends For Life 
  24. Swimming in the ocean 
  25. PBS 
  26. Peanut Butter 
  27.  Manatees 
  28. My friends kids 
  29. Hanging out with
    my nieces and nephews as friends
  30. The smell of honeysuckle bushes 
  31. Sriracha 
  32. Live theater 
  33. Going to the movies
  34. A horse named Stormy 
  35. A
    dog named Misty 
  36. A cat named kidden 
  37. Serving my tea from a yellow
    porcelain teapot I bought for 10 bucks at an estate sale years ago 
  38. Presecco
    and wine 
  39. Tito’s Vodka 
  40. golden hour 
  41. The beach 
  42. My parents 
  43.   My sister 
  44.   My busted pancreas, aka my diabetes dragon. FTR,
    I’ve made friends with my diabetes dragon – her name is Mabel 
  45.  Me 
  46.  YOU.

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