Losing weight is simple.

“You need to stop saying that. It isn’t easy or simple. I know what you mean–others don’t.” My husband made that remark to me after I responded to a new friend’s question about losing weight. It was only then I realized how frequently, when asked about my journey to fit; I used the adjectives easy and simple. Once he pointed it out, however, I immediately saw his perspective. Weight loss, loss maintaining, and healthy living was all very simple…to explain. Carving my healthy living path, getting fit & remaining that way was all very easy …in theory. In no fashion did I mean execution of these simple concepts was easy (I’d begged & bribed myself to do cardio enough times to know that well)

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“You need to stop saying that. It isn’t easy or simple. I know what you mean–others don’t.”

My husband made that remark to me after I responded to a new friend’s question about losing weight.

It was only then I realized how frequently, when asked about my journey to fit; I used the adjectives easy and simple.

Once he pointed it out, however, I immediately saw his perspective.

Weight loss, loss maintaining, and healthy living was all very simple…to explain.

Carving my healthy living path, getting fit & remaining that way was all very easy …in theory.

In no fashion did I mean execution of these simple concepts was easy (I’d begged & bribed myself to do cardio enough times to know that well).

When I shared these thoughts with people I simply meant the explanation of how I became & remained fit was a simple one.

The how of  losing weight and maintaining my loss/staying fit was easy.

It all came down to three simple rules-which-really-aren’t:

  • Don’t over think it. Listen to your body. Once we slow down and focus on what our bodies need/want healthy eating becomes simple. For me this is 20+ years of gluten free living. For you it may look different.   Simply listen. Your body intuitively knows. The same approach applies to fitness. Try new things. See how you feel. Don’t over think “what’s the best workout” or what will get you to your goals quickly. Stop thinking. Try something. Simply listen to how your body responds.


(my bod responds to long walks in the moonlight)

  • Eat as close to nature as possible. It’s easy around here. I have no rules when it comes to food. My choice to be gluten free is simply an outgrowth of paying attention to how gluten caused my body to feel.   I’ve discovered simple healthy recipes and foods in their natural state help me to feel my best.  The give me the energy I need to live the life I’ve chosen. Intellectually I’m aware of the advantages of eating healthy, yet the only thing I strive for is eating as close to nature as possible. When I don’t or can’t I make the effort with my very next choice. It’s simple.

roasted whole cauliflower

SIMPLE pufferfish FTW!

  • Let go and move on. It’s easy–be like Elsa. Everything became simpler and easier when I finally realized I’m never as far from my healthy path as my very.next.choice. It’s simple. Make a food selection you wish you hadn’t? Make a new and different one at your next meal. Skipped your workout yesterday (and the day before and the day before)? It’s simple.       Make today the day you recommit.  Let go of past (perceived) mistakes and move forward.


OK’ness not perfection!

I’d like to say the epiphany above has changed my approach to sharing my story.

It hasn’t.

I still use the words simple and easy, I’ve just gotten better about shouting WICKWICK! clarifying what I mean.

And you?

No matter how you pursue healthy living or where you are in your journey:

Have you found, when all is stripped away, your approach is simple, too?


The post Losing weight is simple. appeared first on Carla Birnberg.

SOURCE: Carla Birnberg – Read entire story here.