Good Nutrition for Busy Mums

Are you a busy mum with no time for “me time”? According to Susie Burrell: “Any mother will know that whether she means to or not, the kids, the husband, work, friends, in fact everything tends to come before her own needs, and as a result her own health. Women who were completely in control of their weight prior to getting married will repeatedly report gaining weight post wedding and then post babies to end up 20+ kg heavier in their late 30’s and 40’s and feeling unattractive, tired and fatigued as a result.” If this sounds familiar, it’s time to take control. Read more…

Are you a busy mum with no time for “me time”? According to Susie Burrell: “Any mother will know that whether she means to or not, the kids, the husband, work, friends, in fact everything tends to come before her own needs, and as a result her own health. Women who were completely in control of their weight prior to getting married will repeatedly report gaining weight post wedding and then post babies to end up 20+ kg heavier in their late 30’s and 40’s and feeling unattractive, tired and fatigued as a result.” If this sounds familiar, it’s time to take control. Read more…

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.