Do You Have a Recurrent Sporting Injury?

Do you have an recurrent sporting injury? Have you been to the doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, anyone who may hold the answer to that nagging injury but you still can’t shake it? If you think it’s simply old age, or maybe you’re just not made to exercise you could be wrong. In fact, according to HIF fitness expert Brian Killian: “The answer may be literally just under your skin and nobody has addressed it.” In this post, Brian defines the term ‘Fascia’, explains why this may be the cause of your injury, and more importantly details the causes of FASCIA dysfunction.

Do you have an recurrent sporting injury? Have you been to the doctor, physiotherapist, chiropractor, massage therapist, anyone who may hold the answer to that nagging injury but you still can’t shake it? If you think it’s simply old age, or maybe you’re just not made to exercise you could be wrong. In fact, according to HIF fitness expert Brian Killian: “The answer may be literally just under your skin and nobody has addressed it.” In this post, Brian defines the term ‘Fascia’, explains why this may be the cause of your injury, and more importantly details the causes of FASCIA dysfunction.

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.