What To Drink When

Are you ‘pouring’ on the pounds through liquid calories? According to Susie: “Sugar sweetened beverages including soft drinks, juices, cordials, vitamin waters, flavoured milks and of course alcohol have become a recipe for disaster for many when it comes to weight control. Not only are liquid calories easily over consumed, they are rarely compensated for and offer little nutritional value.” With so many drinks labeled ‘no sugar’, ‘zero calorie’ and ’low carb’ though, how can we really distinguish what is ‘healthy’ and what is simply clever marketing? In this post, Susie delves into the many liquids we consume on a daily basis and explains the nutritional value behind each of them.

Are you ‘pouring’ on the pounds through liquid calories? According to Susie: “Sugar sweetened beverages including soft drinks, juices, cordials, vitamin waters, flavoured milks and of course alcohol have become a recipe for disaster for many when it comes to weight control. Not only are liquid calories easily over consumed, they are rarely compensated for and offer little nutritional value.” With so many drinks labeled ‘no sugar’, ‘zero calorie’ and ’low carb’ though, how can we really distinguish what is ‘healthy’ and what is simply clever marketing? In this post, Susie delves into the many liquids we consume on a daily basis and explains the nutritional value behind each of them.

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.