Does Walking Equal Weight Loss?

Walking = weight loss? According to HIF fitness guru, Brian Killian: “Whilst walking is a fantastic way to start your day, it tends not to be the most effective for weight loss”. In his latest Q&A session for our Healthy Lifestyle Blog, Brian answers a reader’s concern regarding her morning workout and explains the reasons why she may wish to consider incorporating the HIIT style of training into her workout.

Walking = weight loss? According to HIF fitness guru, Brian Killian: “Whilst walking is a fantastic way to start your day, it tends not to be the most effective for weight loss”. In his latest Q&A session for our Healthy Lifestyle Blog, Brian answers a reader’s concern regarding her morning workout and explains the reasons why she may wish to consider incorporating the HIIT style of training into her workout.

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.