Triathlon blog: Counting down the days

With just a few days to go now before my first triathlon, I ask myself – am I ready? The answer is not that simple, I feel I am ready to give it a go, but at the same time I really only feel like I am just getting started. When I first agreed to take on the Vitality London Triathlon  my main concern was the swim section, but I’ve taught myself a passable front crawl (and can revert to breaststroke if I need to), my riding is vastly improved thanks to my Cyclefit experience and the run, well that’s the bit I am looking forward to most because then I know I will finish. I’ve really enjoyed the learning, the improvements and the

With just a few days to go now before my first triathlon, I ask myself – am I ready? The answer is not that simple, I feel I am ready to give it a go, but at the same time I really only feel like I am just getting started.

When I first agreed to take on the Vitality London Triathlon  my main concern was the swim section, but I’ve taught myself a passable front crawl (and can revert to breaststroke if I need to), my riding is vastly improved thanks to my Cyclefit experience and the run, well that’s the bit I am looking forward to most because then I know I will finish.

I’ve really enjoyed the learning, the improvements and the variety that training for a triathlon gives, now I want to go faster.

Last week I had a second go at open water swimming. After my disastrous attempt in the Serpentine, I headed for the relative calm of Bristol Open Water Swim Lake for a completely different experience. The lake has a 600m loop and at midday on a Thursday there were only a handful of people there – just what I needed to test whether I could swim 750m without stopping. As it turns out enjoyed myself so much that I did three laps. So, yes, I can do 750m!

My bike is now set-up and I am enjoying riding so much more; and the running, well, I’ll just take that as it comes. I’ve done less training than I would have liked, but that’s inevitable with my busy life. My original plan was to just take part and finish and that’s where I am. But now I am already looking ahead to possible future events and ways I can improve.

Have I caught the bug? Well, yes, maybe. But I will reserve full comment until after Sunday.

Whatever anyone says, this is a relatively expensive sport to get involved with – compared to say running or swimming or going to a gym class for example. I’ve been lucky, I’ve already got some bits and pieces and I’ve been loaned some and gifted others. I’ve tried out all sorts of kit – read about the Zoot shoes here – my Huub wetsuit is fantastic and a bit like a comfort blanket in my least favourite discipline and the Giant bike has now become like a friend!


Other more humble items like my Aquasphere swimsuit (above) have done me proud too as I struggled to improve my swimming technique. The last thing a newbie triathlete needs is to be worrying about is their kit and this suit has been comfortable and reliable throughout!

Danielle Sellwood, Sportsister
The Women’s Sports Magazine

The Vitality London Triathlon is 30/31 May. Come and watch the action and get inspired, the pro’s will be racing in the afternoon of the 31st so it’s a great opportunity to catch some world-class action and show your support! More information here.

SOURCE: Sportsister – Read entire story here.