Video: What Eating “High-Fat” Does To Your Cholesterol

What happens to your cholesterol when you eat high-fat? Jimmy Moore and I review my 9 month cholesterol numbers since going low-carb, high-fat. I’ve been following a high-fat, low-carb eating style for 9 months (as outlined in my 30-day program) and my blood test results are in! Today; with the help of Jimmy Moore, we’re reviewing my results and chatting about what eating high-fat, low-carb does to your cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides. AND! We show you how to interpret the results of your blood tests, the cholesterol numbers you should watch for, foods that put you at risk, the connection between triglycerides and carb intake, and how to change your numbers for the better. If you’re curious about cholesterol, HDL, LDL

What Eating “High-Fat” Does To Cholesterol #cholesterol #keto #highfat #hflc #lowcarb

What happens to your cholesterol when you eat high-fat? Jimmy Moore and I review my 9 month cholesterol numbers since going low-carb, high-fat.

I’ve been following a high-fat, low-carb eating style for 9 months (as outlined in my 30-day program) and my blood test results are in!

Today; with the help of Jimmy Moore, we’re reviewing my results and chatting about what eating high-fat, low-carb does to your cholesterol, HDL, LDL and triglycerides.

AND! We show you how to interpret the results of your blood tests, the cholesterol numbers you should watch for, foods that put you at risk, the connection between triglycerides and carb intake, and how to change your numbers for the better.

If you’re curious about cholesterol, HDL, LDL, triglycerides, today’s video will give you the full picture so that you can make a healthful, informed decision about yourself, your health and your high-fat life.


  • What eating “high-fat” did to my cholesterol (HDL, LDL and triglycerides)
  • What cholesterol numbers to watch for
  • The food your body needs to increase your HDL
  • The connection between carb intake and triglycerides
  • What eating high-fat does to your cholesterol numbers


SOURCE: Healthful Pursuit – Read entire story here.