Today is about changing perspective.

Sure, if you reside in the USA it’s also Memorial Day, but I’m seizing today to shift some thoughts which no longer serve me. I’m taking today (to pause and remember those who have died in service of our country and) to make time for something I’d professed to be too busy for and which I need to make a priority. Today is about changing perspective literally in hopes it changes my perspective metaphorically. It’s as the inimitable Wayne Dyer says: If we shift/tweak the way we view things in our lives, the things we are viewing change. The post Today is about changing perspective. appeared first on Carla Birnberg.

Sure, if you reside in the USA it’s also Memorial Day, but I’m seizing today to shift some thoughts which no longer serve me.

I’m taking today (to pause and remember those who have died in service of our country and) to make time for something I’d professed to be too busy for and which I need to make a priority.

Today is about changing perspective literally in hopes it changes my perspective metaphorically.

It’s as the inimitable Wayne Dyer says:

If we shift/tweak the way we view things in our lives, the things we are viewing change.

The post Today is about changing perspective. appeared first on Carla Birnberg.

SOURCE: Carla Birnberg – Read entire story here.