This Playlist Will Help You Shake Up Your Workout Routine in All the Right Ways

New moves call for new music. <!–paging_filter–>Every week, Your New Favorite Playlist introduces you to workout-worthy tunes from a different fitness brand. This week, Crunch shares one of the recent playlists from its Body Rocket with CMT class. There’s something about a shiny new fitness toy that can make you so much more amped to get to the gym. But that philosophy doesn’t just apply to solo exercise sessions—it works for group classes, too. Enter: Body Rocket with CMT (core momentum trainer) at Crunch. “It’s a cardio- and core-infused class that uses weighted equipment—the CMT,” says Courtney Alexander, a group fitness instructor at Crunch who teaches the class. “When you shake the CMT quickly, it builds strength and improves your range

New moves call for new music.

Every week, Your New Favorite Playlist introduces you to workout-worthy tunes from a different fitness brand. This week, Crunch shares one of the recent playlists from its Body Rocket with CMT class.

There’s something about a shiny new fitness toy that can make you so much more amped to get to the gym. But that philosophy doesn’t just apply to solo exercise sessions—it works for group classes, too. Enter: Body Rocket with CMT (core momentum trainer) at Crunch. “It’s a cardio- and core-infused class that uses weighted equipment—the CMT,” says Courtney Alexander, a group fitness instructor at Crunch who teaches the class. “When you shake the CMT quickly, it builds strength and improves your range of motion.”

The CMT isn’t the only thing that helps you mix up your workout during the class, though—the music Alexander uses plays a big role, too. “To me, it’s important to find a way to incorporate fun music and moves into each class,” she says. Here’s the mix from a recent session:

RELATED: A Playlist to Help You Work Your Whole Body

You can download a similar playlist on Spotify. Not ready to sweat this second? Sample some of the songs:

Crunch has locations nationwide.


SOURCE: – Read entire story here.