The accelerating pace of useless technology upgrades

<!– google_ad_section_start –>Tech companies want consumers who can be herded forward. There was the magic of the iPhone 6 and the 6-plus. By the time those came out, the old iPhones were tired, maybe too slow — Apple fans were eager, if not desperate for a better device. Then not so long after Samsung introduced its Galaxy S4 in May 2013, it announced the S5 in February 2014. The Samsung Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy Edge (and their updates) showed up this week — hustled out the door to keep pace with media mega-hype of the Apple Watch. How wonderful and different are the new Samsung gadgets from the S3 and S5? Wait for it – startup with a finger swipe, a curved edge and again imitating Apple… no removable

Tech companies want consumers who can be herded forward. There was the magic of the iPhone 6 and the 6-plus. By the time those came out, the old iPhones were tired, maybe too slow — Apple fans were eager, if not desperate for a better device. Then not so long after Samsung introduced its Galaxy S4 in May 2013, it announced the S5 in February 2014. The Samsung Galaxy S6 and the Galaxy Edge (and their updates) showed up this week — hustled out the door to keep pace with media mega-hype of the Apple Watch. How wonderful and different are the new Samsung gadgets from the S3 and S5? Wait for it – startup with a finger swipe, a curved edge and again imitating Apple… no removable batteries. Oh, so the new phones have a 12-hour battery life? Well, you can charge the phone within 15 minutes to get 4 hours of life out of it? Not so good when the day is long.

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SOURCE: Laurie Orlov’s blog – Read entire story here.