Why Less Costly Diabetes Supplies Might Not Be Good News

Have you heard about the new move by Medicare to slash prices of diabetes supplies by up to 72{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} this July, making a vial of test strips in many cases just $10.41 out-of-pocket?Since Medicare generally sets the stage for competitive pricing across …

Have you heard about the new move by Medicare to slash prices of diabetes supplies by up to 72{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} this July, making a vial of test strips in many cases just $10.41 out-of-pocket?Since Medicare generally sets the stage for competitive pricing across …

SOURCE: Healthline RSS Feed – Read entire story here.