Weight became my obsession and, in short, after a really harsh period between purging and not eating, I now am really skinny and on constant…

Don’t apologize darling. Unfortunately we can not make ourselves have a certain body type. Just as you can’t spot reduce when exercising, you can’t spot reduce when dieting. Your body is going to lose and gain weight in the way it can, not in the way you want, unfortunately.Losing more weight will not make you happier. Look at the message you wrote me, the time in your life that you loved your body was when you were curvy. When you had curves you were happy. To gain those curves back, you would need to gain weight. Losing weight will be the opposite of what once made you happy. Taking your individual self-happiness out of the picture, losing more weight in general will just make you

Don’t apologize darling. Unfortunately we can not make ourselves have a certain body type. Just as you can’t spot reduce when exercising, you can’t spot reduce when dieting. Your body is going to lose and gain weight in the way it can, not in the way you want, unfortunately.

Losing more weight will not make you happier. Look at the message you wrote me, the time in your life that you loved your body was when you were curvy. When you had curves you were happy. To gain those curves back, you would need to gain weight. Losing weight will be the opposite of what once made you happy. 

Taking your individual self-happiness out of the picture, losing more weight in general will just make you more unhappy. Eating disorders are associated with a number of other psychological disorders such as depression and anxiety. Additionally, when your body is hungry/starving your energy level is depleted, your more easily angered, you are lethargic, you have concentration difficulties. And that is not even going into all the medical complications of doing so. There is honestly no positive thing about losing more weight, and it definitely will not make you love your body more.

Please get the help you need. You sound like such a wonderful and beautiful person. You deserve to be happy, and recovery is the first step to that happiness.


SOURCE: Eating Disorder Support and Awareness – Read entire story here.