Bitter~Sweet ™: Diabetes and The Unexpected

Welcome to day one of Diabetes Blog Week, Year Eight!!  If you’d like to participate but haven’t signed up yet, please do so here (scroll down a bit to find the form).  The more the merrier and it’s definitely not too late.

Today’s topic is Diabetes and The Unexpected.  Diabetes can sometimes seem to play by a rulebook that makes no sense, tossing out unexpected challenges at random.  What are your best tips for being prepared when the unexpected happens?  Or, take this topic another way and tell us about some good things diabetes has brought into your, or your loved one’s, life that you never could have expected?  (Thank you, Heather, for inspiring this topic!)

You know the old saying “Don’t sweat the small stuff”?  Well, I have yet to follow that advice.  I sweat the small stuff.  I also sweat the big stuff.  I pretty much sweat all the stuff.  It’s annoying.

The upside to this is that I’m generally over prepared for just about any situation.  When it comes to diabetes, more often than not I have everything I need.  My purse has candy, glucagon, everything needed for a pump site change, extra tape, batteries and syringes.  A reminder on my phone assures I don’t forget a site change.  When I travel, I bring at least three times the diabetes stuff I need.  That’s not to say I’m perfect.  There have been a few times when I’ve slipped up a bit, but usually I’m more than prepared for the unexpected.

And the most unexpected thing about being way way way prepared is that I’ve been able to help out others.  I’d say the majority of my travel is for diabetes conferences.  Having a ton of supplies means I can help out others who’ve forgotten something.  Ran out of strips at Friends for Life?  I had an extra vial to give.  Needed tape for your sensor at UnCon?  Look no further than me.  Forgot to pack your infusion set inserter or ripped out your site and didn’t have a spare?  I had your back.  And my favorite unexpected was a pump that died at the DiabetesMine Summit.  I had packed my old pump and was able to loan it out until a replacement pump was sent.  (Although given the option, I’d definitely wish my friend’s pump hadn’t malfunctioned……)


I try my best to be prepared for any diabetes unexpected situation that pops up.  But I never expected how good it would make me feel to know I can also help out a friend in need from time to time.

Diabetes Blog Week
You can find more Diabetes and The Unexpected posts listed here.

What is Diabetes Blog Week? Click here for an explanation and to sign up.  You can also check out the Participant’s List here.  And don’t forget to check out the DBlogWeek Facebook page here.

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