Robb Wolf – DEXA Scan Reliability, Which Pillar to Prioritize, Masking

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The most important lesson of the 1918 influenza pandemic: Tell the damn truth

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How to Sleep Like Your Life Depends On it! 



What to prioritize?

Lacy writes:

Hi Robb and Nicki! I 1st want to thank you for all that you do, you are truly changing the world! I am a mom of 3 kids, ages 4, 3 and 5 months and I work full time. As you can imagine, I have a lot on my plate but am trying my hardest to be as healthy as possible: I do the best that I can with sleep (as best one can do with young children), usually infrared light, attempt to eat healthy/get sufficient protein, workout, etc. but feel like I am spinning my wheels getting nowhere. Each pregnancy has added pounds and with each additional child I find less and less time to get quality workouts in. I guess my question is, as parents who have “been there” what would you recommend prioritizing? I am currently at my heaviest weight but am breastfeeding (VERY successfully partly due to LMNT) and find that my milk supply suffers everytime I try to lose weight and I’m sure my hormones are absolutely jacked up due to being pregnant and/or breastfeeding for the past 5 years (&counting). Should i focus on protein? Sleep? Hormones?What’s a mom to do?! Thanks for the insight.



Mari writes:

Hi, long time listener here. Thanks for keeping on. Not a health related question-

I’m going to be attending massage school in CA in January. I’ve been living in Idaho and haven’t been paying attention to much but I heard on one of your recent podcasts that certain schools in CA are implementing ridiculous bullshit again. I called the massage school to confirm- they told me they will be following CDC guidelines (mask mandates if the CDC recommends). Is this still….legal? If I say no can they kick me out?

I would go elsewhere but other circumstances make this particular location and school the best option. Thanks for any advice if there’s any to give. – Mari


DEXA scan reliability

Cassie writes:

Robb & Nicki,

I hope your move is going well for your family!

First off I wanted to thank you both for having a significant impact on my health and wellness. I started training bjj over 10 years ago (when I still had braces) and it wasn’t until our gym started following you and the Paleo lifestyle that all the wounds in my mouth started magically healing and I could finally sleep through the night. I am amazed by how undereducated our society is about the importance of the food (and poison) we put into our bodies. I really appreciate the effort you two put forth to make better humans.

I recently started getting into podcasts so I apologize if you’ve already covered this: How reliable are DEXA scans? I just got one done and the results were shocking to say the least. I am a 34y/o female, 5’2, never had a child, I weighed in at 112 lbs, wear size 0 jeans and this thing marked me at 32% body fat. According to their chart, that puts me in the category of obese. Is this exactly what they mean by skinny fat? Like I’m just fat and bones, no muscle? *Mind blown emoji*

I will admit, in the past year I haven’t been training. I am active duty military, got promoted just about 12 months ago, and I feel like I have no time for myself in my life anymore. Do I cook, sleep, do laundry or finish my homework in my limited spare time? I would say, if anything, that I am definitely calorie restricted unintentionally, which worries me about training if I barely have time to eat as it is. I guess the other part of my question is how do I start over? Eating sufficiently? Training? Destressing? I have 4 more years before I retire, but until then I need to find small successes so that I don’t wreck my body in the meantime.

Thank you again! You’re my favorite podcast every week.

P.S. Are there any plans for flavored LMNT without sweeteners? I don’t consume added sweeteners during my anti-inflammatory elimination diet resets so I can only have raw. Now my bf forever refers to LMNT as “sweat water.”


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Transcript coming soon…

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