Diabetesaliciousness © 2007 – 2023: 12 Years Blogging About Diabetes

Diabetesaliciousness as a 12 year old magical unicorn!
Image via the interwebz~

Diabetesaliciousness turned twelve years old this past Saturday, November 9th – and  

I can’t believe it.

12 years of blogging, 1,534 posts about the good, the bad, and the diabetesaliciousness of it all.

When I started blogging in 2007 I had no idea the there was such a thing as the DOC and I had no idea what I was doing – hence the name.

When I was filling out the URL form for my blog I distinctly remember saying right before I pressed ENTER: “HEY, let me add an ‘ness’ to the end of diabetesalicious!” 

Silly blogger!

The only thing I knew about blogging was that Perez Hilton’s website was a blog and that creating a blog was easier than creating a website. 

IMO, blog templates were and are similar to Word templates – of course I could do that!  

I was tired of diabetes myths being perpetuated as diabetes realities (Hey Halle B and your actor’s studio interview – I’m looking at you. You are the reason I started blogging – so thanks!) and I wanted and needed a place to voice my opinions. 

The DOC was much smaller back then, consisting of a scattered and small group of ragtag people with diabetes who wanted to be heard and acknowledged – and found a space online were they could do just that.  

Back then corporations and orgs were gingerly dipping their toes into the Social Media pool. 

Because of the DOC, I found my diabetes voice and platform – and I found parts of myself I never knew existed.

Because of the DOC I have a global diabetes tribe who I love, protect/am protected by, and learn from every day. 

There have been times when the Diabetes Online Community has carried me when I struggling. And I am so incredibly thankful. 

Blogging about diabetes has taught and continues to teach me that I CAN in all dimensions. 

What started out as a hobby has blossomed into a passion and a career. 

FTR: If you were to have told me 20 years ago I’d be working in the diabetes space 

I would have said that you were freaking nuts. 

I dealt with my diabetes personally, I didn’t want any parts of it professionally.

Sometimes the thing you try the hardest to run from, is exactly what you are supposed to be doing.

12 years in and the DOC has exploded across social media platforms, people with diabetes are  using their voices to create change – and brands. 

Corps and orgs are not only listening and engaging, they are actively lurking, listening, and participating. 

Like the DOC, my blog had successes and growing pains – and next year it officially becomes a teenager! 

Blogging about my diabetes allowed my to share my diabetes stories and learn from your yours. Thank you for sharing your stories and teaching me with each and every tale.

Blogging about diabetes turned my biggest perceived weakness, my busted pancreas, into my greatest strength and biggest passion – and for that I am incredibly grateful. 

12 years in and I worry about repeating myself content wise – which means dealing and working writers block – reminding myself that not everyone reading has read all of 1,534  posts. 

12 years blogging and I am still learning new things about life and life with diabetes every damn day.

12 years blogging and no matter the type, we are in this together! 

12 years of blogging and I am so damn grateful! 

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