Ossur to announce clinical trials for implanted myoelectric sensors for brain-controlled prosthetics Ossur, an Icelandic based prosthetics development company is set to announce the beginning of clinical trials for its Proprio foot, a new kind of brain controlled prosthetic ankle and foot. Instead of trying to connect the device to nerves, the robotic limb uses sensors to detect nerve signals in muscles near the point where the limb was removed. The limb then analyses those signals and converts them to movement in real time, which is reportedly very close to that of natural limbs....
PickMeHIF – My Favourite Superfood Check out these mouth-watering entries from our recent “Superfoods” themed photo competition! These entries looked so delicious we simply had to share them. Do you have a favourite?...
The Best Food Swaps. Are you a healthy eater? If fruit and vegetables (and lean meats if you’re a meat eater) are the foundation of your diet – good for you! If not, you might be surprised to know that even the smallest dietary swaps can take you from a ‘B’ in nutrition to a glowing ‘A+’. In this post for our Healthy Lifestyle Blog, Susie Burrell discusses an array of healthy alternatives and explains the various nutritional benefits these choices contribute towards living a healthier lifestyle. To read Susie’s article visit: ...