Raising the Roof on Diabetes Research & Innovation Really smart people doing really smart things...TOGETHER!That's pretty much how I sum up the newest efforts to jumpstart diabetes research through a collaborative approach to making it more effective for the entire D-Community -- from those of us ......
The Hard Candy Trial (N of 1) Apropos to Halloween last week, a doctor I know - who happens to be an endocrinologist - recently offered me a piece of hard candy. Casually. Without hesitation. When I smiled and noted that my "condition" keeps me off that stuff, he insisted I wa......
Behind the Press Releases at Roche Diabetes With only a few minutes left of a company's internal quarterly conference, word began to circulate by email and whispers that the FDA had cleared a new blood meter-insulin pump device for sale in the United States.An email bounced between the regu......
"D-Friendly" Cooking by Paula Deen’s Son is Better than Cardboard After the whole Paula Deen controversy earlier this year, we were interested in seeing what her "Diabetes In a New Light" cooking campaign was going to be all about. That chance arose recently when Indiana-based fellow D-blogger and journalist Mik......