5 surprising ways to get rid of stubborn belly fat other than diet …  – Sarah Fit

5. Estrogen Dominance is holding onto fat storages in your body


Higher levels of estrogen can cause weight gain especially around the belly, hips, thighs.  As you enter perimenopause (usually for women this is between the ages of 35-50) and throughout menopause (usually ages 45-55), your body will begin to increase estrogen production and create what is called Estrogen Dominance.  In addition to this natural estrogen build up, toxins such as anything made with BPA and synthetic birth control can also impact your estrogen levels by acting as a “fake estrogen”.  Whether your body is dealing with perimenopause related estrogen dominance or it’s holding onto xeno estrogens your body reacts to this surplus the same … holding onto fat stores especially in the middle of your body.  This surprising news is exactly why it is vital to support your liver function as a woman over 40, so that this important organ can effectively remove extra estrogen instead of storing it inside the body and causing unwanted weight gain. 


Reduce Estrogen Dominance by… 


  • Get 25 grams of Fiber in your diet each day. Focusing on fiber rich foods like vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, and legumes helps aid your body in naturally ridding itself of any extra estrogen through the gut.  The estrogen that builds up in your system is more easily removed when it can bind with fiber.  Fiber has so many bonus health benefits too — like how it helps you to feel fuller longer-  so adding 25 grams through nutrient packed fruits, veggies, and legumes gives you a big impact in your fat loss efforts!


  • Start your morning with lemon water before your first cup of coffee to support your liver function and give it a chance to flush out those extra hormones before activating even more cortisol with coffee. 


  • Reduce xeno-estrogens, otherwise known as “fake estrogens”.  The body can’t tell the difference between estrogen and xeno-estrogen, so these imposters just tend to add onto an already estrogen dominant system and keeps you holding onto the weight around your middle.  This problem has an easy fix though in that you can swap your plastic bottles and containers for glass, and be sure to stay clear of anything made with BPA.   If you are taking birth control, consider talking with your doctor about other methods that you could use which won’t include these xeno-estrogens.  


  • Add fermented foods to your day to help with estrogen detoxification. Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi contain probiotics which improves your gut flora, and when your gut is working optimally it removes extra estrogen more easily.  


In summary, if your body is hanging on to extra fat especially around the middle you can greatly increase your results and start losing weight again when you incorporate these 5 lifestyle shifts along with a balanced meal plan full of whole foods and consistent fat burning workouts: 


 1. Get 8 hours of sleep each night by prioritizing sleep hygiene and adding in magnesium to help calm the body before bed.


 2. Reduce the amount of HIIT workouts you do and keep them to 1 or 2 days a week.  Instead swap your HIIT workout for a walk and be sure to incorporate regular strength training throughout your week.  


 3. Manage your stress levels with daily mediation using the walking meditations found on the Faster Way or Peloton apps.  Prioritize 2 recovery days each week in your workout schedule and use it to enjoy movement outdoors, relax with a yoga class, or stretch those hard working muscles.  


 4.  Reduce your Alcohol consumption so that your liver can focus on fat burning and reduce your estrogen dominance.  Try cutting out alcohol and swapping your drinks for adaptogen beverages, prebiotic sodas, or seltzer waters.  When you do choose to drink alcohol, keep it for special occasions or just the weekends while choosing low sugar options limiting yourself  to 1 or 2 drinks at a time.  


 5. Manage Estrogen Dominance by adding in 25 grams of fiber through fiber rich foods such as beans,legumes, vegetables, fruits, and nuts.  Swap out your plastic or BPA lined household items for glass to help stay away from xeno-estrogens.  

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