Ridiculous doctor visit request #1

I don’t know if this merits a top spot because it’s so ridiculous, or because it just happened, it’s on my mind. and I haven’t bothered to think what the other 9 ridiculous requests could be. I know they exist though.

Yesterday I had my twice yearly visit with my endocrinologist, whom I love. The assistant first greets me to get my weight, blood pressure, download my CGM data and, get ready for it, blood sugar.

I looked at her for a solid twenty seconds and said, “What do you need to prick my finger for, I’m wearing a CGM?” To which she replied, “We need a value in real time.” Huh? I gave her another penetrating stare and said, “No, I won’t do it.” You should know, as background, I had two procedures in the past ten days that required not only taking my blood from a major artery, they missed the first five times, but poking me as well for IVs and whatnot. I had reached my limit as a pin cushion.

“No,” I repeated. “You’re not going to take my blood.” I wasn’t rude but I was firm. I didn’t know what the consequence of my refusal would be, nor did I give it any thought. I just knew I had no more tolerance for needles, let alone the insanity of the request when I’m sitting there wearing a CGM.

“Okay,” she said quite mildly, “I’ll let the doctor know.” Whether she did or not I don’t know, I forgot all about it. My endo never raised the point, and I know had he, he would have agreed with me how ridiculous this situation was.

I just want you to know, when you’re in consultation with your physicians, you have the right to say what you think and feel. You are half the equation in any interaction with a health professional. I’m not advocating rebelliousness for its own sake but if you have a viewpoint that should be considered don’t keep it to yourself. That’s how we start tearing down the walls of hierarchy and coming closer to truly working together.

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