A diabetes and life respite

A woman was wearing this shirt today in my gym class. She told me she bought it on Confidence Apparel. I wasn’t thinking particularly of diabetes when I read her T-shirt, but I was thinking we should honor the hard work we do each and every day, regardless of the outcomes we get. We live with a second job, 24/7. Few people see it, and we ourselves don’t readily admit to how much weight we carry, thinking we need to be strong and ever-resilient.

So take a few moments right now. Recognize all that you do to keep yourself as safe and healthy as you can. Recognize you are all the things listed on this T-shirt. Take it in and treat yourself with the kindness and love you extend to others.

Perhaps I’m particularly feeling this way today because my blood sugar was up and down all day long to extremes that left me exhausted. It isn’t an often occurrence, but it happens. It’s part of this condition we live with. And when it happens we deserve to move gently and allow ourselves to just fold into it. After all, tomorrow is another day.

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