A garbage dive for my Dexcom: Dexcom, I love you, I hate you
Dexcom G7 inserter above, front and back
You know I’m not in love with the G7. But I did discover one thing that I quite like – you can start a new sensor while the current one is on its last 12 hours. That gives the new sensor 12 hours to get used to your body since sensors activate as soon as you insert them. Since my first 24 hours on a new sensor are mostly inaccurate, most of the time, this is an advantage.
But a word to the wise: When you put on that new sensor don’t throw away the inserter! As I did! Yesterday! And then took the garbage out! Immediately!
Because this morning, when I went to switch over to the new sensor, it asked me for the sensor code. That’s the 4 digits on the back of the sensor, pictured above on the right. It’s not on the box, I can attest to that having examined it multiple times.
So, lucky me, at 7:15 this morning the husband did a dumpster dive and retrieved the bag with the precious inserter. Shortly thereafter we were up and running.
Dexcom G7, I love you, I hate you. But this morning I love the husband all the more for his sheer gallantry.