Are You Having Too Much Caffeine?

Consuming too much caffeine? If coffee, tea or energy drinks play a big part in your life, the mere thought of cutting back may be too traumatic to consider. However, according to Susie it’s important to understand when our daily caffeine consumption may be too high. In this post, Susie explains what our ideal daily caffeine intake should be and discusses the varying effects it can have on our bodies.

Consuming too much caffeine? If coffee, tea or energy drinks play a big part in your life, the mere thought of cutting back may be too traumatic to consider. However, according to Susie it’s important to understand when our daily caffeine consumption may be too high. In this post, Susie explains what our ideal daily caffeine intake should be and discusses the varying effects it can have on our bodies.

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.