Boost metabolism and stop sugar cravings

Warm up and boost your metabolism with my favorite winter rituals~plus video With winter it’s even more essential to light up your inner-fire. Your “agni” (from Ayurveda) your body’s inner fire and metabolism. It’s the time of year when we feel a little sluggish and may need to actually feel a bit warmer plus boost our metabolism. I made you a video. And there are more coming. It’s a new way to connect and share some of the things I love with some of the rituals I practice and create. And you know how I feel about those. Ginger, oh ginger. What doesn’t ginger do? It’s got every healing property you can imagine, anti-viral/bacterial/fungal. Spicy and

IntuitiveBody Rituals-MetabolismWarm up and boost your metabolism with my favorite winter rituals~plus video

With winter it’s even more essential to light up your inner-fire. Your “agni” (from Ayurveda) your body’s inner fire and metabolism. It’s the time of year when we feel a little sluggish and may need to actually feel a bit warmer plus boost our metabolism.

I made you a video.

And there are more coming. It’s a new way to connect and share some of the things I love with some of the rituals I practice and create. And you know how I feel about those.

Ginger, oh ginger. What doesn’t ginger do? It’s got every healing property you can imagine, anti-viral/bacterial/fungal. Spicy and pungent, it ignites your inner fire/metabolism, and is powerful medicine for digestion and as an antioxidant. It also helps with heartburn and overall gut health. Your gut is the home of your immune system, worth tending beautifully.

In this video I’ll share my favorite “brew” with you, I drink it all day to keep my fire burning bright/boost metabolism, plus curb sugar cravings.

I’ll also show you what I do first thing before anything else goes in my mouth. You get a huge hit of metabolic powering up if you do this. I do it every morning while the water is boiling for tea.

Rituals are valuable for many reasons but one of the big ones is that they bring us into present time. This helps us to get grounded, to feel calmer, to notice our current state physically, emotionally, mentally, and to make any adjustments to balance and soothe.

The present moment is also where your guidance can speak to you and show you what’s trying to get your attention. And to see synchronicities- they can’t find you if you’re not “here”. When you come into present time you can be happy. Living in future time, or the past…. hello anxiety and/or depression.

Come into present time with me… watch the video (under 4 minutes) and then go get some ginger root and fire up.

I want that for you.

With so much love and every blessing,

PS- My favorite way to work ever are the Meet Your Medicine Sessions. I will meet with you for 90 minutes to know deeply the extraordinary gifts and power of your soul. When you know your unique Medicine, what you are here to do and give and be in ways that only you can, you stop needing approval, live from your essential nature, and walk easily and beautifully in the world. All comparisons cease. You don’t want to be anyone but you. All in 90- minutes. Really. Til the end of January I am bundling this session with a copy of You Are The Temple- when you get them together you’ll save $96. I know in my heart that this combination changes how you feel and what you know about your self in the most powerful and beautiful ways. Quickly. If you are interested in taking advantage please reply to me via email (I don’t have a button set up for the special- but priced separately MYM is $347. and You Are The Temple-$149. now $400 together. Step into 2015 in the love+power that are yours. xox

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SOURCE: IntuitiveBody – Read entire story here.