California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) 2023 Making an Impact

The 2023 California Health Interview Survey (CHIS) Making an Impact report recognizes not just the work we do, but the people who use our data — our funders and collaborators, researchers, health departments, government agencies, journalists, nonprofit organizations, and community groups — all who aim to make the people of California healthier and stronger.

The report includes:

  • Publications: From housing instability to gun violence, mental health to telehealth, you can explore some of the CHIS policy briefs, fact sheets, and reports that shine a light on the unique health and health care needs of California’s diverse populations.
  • Annual CHIS Data Release: The 2022 CHIS revealed that Californians experienced an increase in food insecurity, hate incidents, and trouble accessing health care.
  • CHIS Preliminary COVID-19 Estimates Dashboard: Find monthly estimates of the ongoing impact of COVID-19 on Californians.
  • CHIS Journal Articles and Policy Reports: The use of CHIS data in academic and policy circles has not only expanded our understanding of health disparities and trends but has also played a pivotal role in shaping evidence-based policies that address the unique health care needs of communities across the state.
  • CHIS in Legislation: From reducing the burden of medical debt to expanding access to food benefits for all undocumented immigrants, CHIS data are used to impact policy.
  • Presentations and Events: UCLA CHPR staff used CHIS data in 60 presentations and events across the world.

Notable numbers

  • 107,000+ queries were made through our free online tools, AskCHIS™ and AskCHIS™ Neighborhood Edition (NE) in 2023.
  • 465+ media stories featured or cited CHIS data in 2023.
  • Nearly 100 publications featured or cited CHIS data in 2023 — from peer-reviewed journal articles to policy briefs to government reports.
  • There are currently 391 total variables and topics and 10 million different estimates that can be explored in AskCHIS™.

Take a look at the 2023 CHIS Making an Impact to see how, and by whom, our data were used.

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