#dedoc° brings the lived experience to Europe’s scientific diabetes conference

I am delighted to be among approximately 25 people with diabetes who will be traveling from all over the world to attend the EASD conference in Hamburg, Germany beginning October 2.

The organization that is sponsoring my, and everyone’s travel expenses, is #dedoc° founded by the amazing Bastian Hauck, who has single-handedly built diabetes social media presence in Europe. I first met Bastian at an International Diabetes Federation conference in 2015 in Vancouver, but only this year did I add myself to his remarkable group of Voices.

Bastian’s insight was that diabetes patient advocates were a sorely missing piece of global scientific conferences and so he set out to change that. Today the Voices can be found at ADA, EASD, ISPAD and ATTD sharing their stories with health professionals, researchers and industry, and bringing back their wealth of gained knowledge to their communities, local and social.

I am proud to take my place among them and be a part of this movement. Below diabetes advocates at IDF’s World Congress in Lisbon last year where Bastian and I caught up. You might guess he’s the tall guy behind me, and you’d be right.

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