Dentistry Talks podcast with Ian Hutchinson

We hear from Ian Hutchinson, who describes his experience of discovering he had been stalked by an ex-patient for almost four years – and how he has moved on from it since.

Today, we welcome a guest whose journey and career is in fact in dentistry. His story, however, is one marked not only by professional excellence but also by resilience, mental strength and a stark ability to overcome even the biggest patient challenges.

Ian Hutchinson is a specialist orthodontist who graduated from Newcastle University before gaining a fellowship with the Royal College of Surgeons. He now owns The Smile Lounge, a private clinic focusing on orthodontics and facial aesthetic procedures.

However, Ian’s life took a significant turn when he became the target of a nearly four-year-long stalking ordeal by an ex-patient that culminated in police discovering him with what has been described as a ‘murder kit’ close to Ian’s home.

In this podcast, Dr Hutchinson opens up about his experiences, the profound impact it has had on him personally and professionally, and what it has taught him about handling fear.

You can watch on YouTube and listen on Spotify or below.

Topics include:

  • What does ‘fear’ mean to you?
  • Discovering his stalker
  • Mental impact of the experience
  • What the experience taught you
  • Advice for dental professionals experiencing fear
  • Role as an expert witness.

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