Diabetic Patient Attempts to Sue Former Dentist


Marc Leffler, DDS, Esq. recently reported on a legal case where a patient unsuccessfully sued their former dentist when the dentist refused to refund them for failed treatment.

The patient was being treated for hypertension, elevated cholesterol, and type II diabetes when he was found to have periodontal bone loss and furcation involvement, leading to the dentist recommending treatment of placing and then restoring 3 implants. The dentist recommended running this procedure by their physician and reiterated the risks and benefits.

Unfortunately, the implants were eventually lost and removed, causing frustration for the patient. The patient requested a full refund, which the dentists refused, offering to continue to treat the patient at no additional charge.

The MedPro Group article shares that the dentist “held fast to her position, which she explained to E [the patient], that nothing had been done incorrectly or improperly, so she saw no reason to return the fees paid, reiterating again that she would re-do the failed treatment.”

The patient sued as a self-represented plaintiff but the court dismissed the case with a verdict in favor of the defendant.

Read more details about this case from MedPro Group.

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