Discoloured Permanent Tooth

What causes discolouration of a tooth, specifically in a child’s first permanent tooth? This was a question put to Dr. Emma recently… "Hi Dr. Emma. My 7 year old granddaughter's new big front tooth is coming down and it seems to be a brownish colour beside her other teeth. What has happened? What is to be done? Thanks Dianne (WA)". Click through to see Dr. Emma’s response and read her expert advice on an appropriate treatment plan.

What causes discolouration of a tooth, specifically in a child’s first permanent tooth? This was a question put to Dr. Emma recently… "Hi Dr. Emma. My 7 year old granddaughter's new big front tooth is coming down and it seems to be a brownish colour beside her other teeth. What has happened? What is to be done? Thanks Dianne (WA)". Click through to see Dr. Emma’s response and read her expert advice on an appropriate treatment plan.

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.