Don’t Shoot The Messenger- True Healing

Healing Can’t Happen Without This Resolutions and the wish to do better, be better, and create the life we want to live in~yes. But it’s probably not going to be enough. And I believe that until you also do this, you won’t get much traction on the rest. Stay with me even if you’re finger is already going for the delete button. This will help. I was reading Caroline Myss‘ recent Salon newsletter. Each month she writes a special piece that you pay a yearly fee for, at $35 a year to me it’s a bargain. She has been one of my most powerful and beloved teachers for the last few years. I study with her in person every year at small

Intuitive HealingHealing Can’t Happen Without This

Resolutions and the wish to do better, be better, and create the life we want to live in~yes. But it’s probably not going to be enough. And I believe that until you also do this, you won’t get much traction on the rest. Stay with me even if you’re finger is already going for the delete button. This will help.

I was reading Caroline Myss‘ recent Salon newsletter. Each month she writes a special piece that you pay a yearly fee for, at $35 a year to me it’s a bargain. She has been one of my most powerful and beloved teachers for the last few years. I study with her in person every year at small retreats and every time I come back changed. Not just the high you get for a few days after an event-bigger. Deeper.

But the changes have not come easily. The changes that my soul urges me towards are uncomfortable. They have been about releasing pride, anger, resentments, and other kinds of hurts. These changes have been about doing the right thing, according to the whispers of the part of me that knows..what I call the Intuitive Body.

In Caroline’s Salon she wrote~ “Nothing feels better than doing the right thing”.

Our spirits perk up and pay attention when we hear the truth, right? That was a truth.

Our spirits love the truth.

It’s hard to slap a happy face on things, go about our business of planning and manifesting when there is something festering that we refuse to heal. (“Festering”- graphic, but true).

And often it is a refusal. We believe somebody else should do something to make it better. Somebody else should apologize, or make it easier, or get over whatever their stuff is… first.

We can find countless ways to justify why we shouldn’t have to do the hard thing. Why we should hold on to the grudges, the humiliation, the hurts and resentments.

And we will always be able to find others more than happy to fuel and agitate our position and help us justify why it’s ok to withhold love, to not forgive, to stay wounded.

Our wounds and our pride love company, as in ‘misery loves company’. There are many of us who love to get worked up on others’ behalf especially if some part of us really identifies with their particular grievance. We are happy to fuel the fire.

I have to admit, I have been an agitator in the past. I understood peoples’ pain and could feel it in my body. I often took it on, when truly it wasn’t mine.  And I look back and wish I could do it over. Wish that I could have offered another quality at those moments when a different kind of support would have been more healing, could have yielded a potentially different choice.

Now it’s my intention to help my self, my friends, my family and my clients listen to a different call. Our spirit wants to do the right thing, wants to create more peace and more love, more generosity and kindness, wants to be of service.

When you’re in the thick of it, stuck in the midst of the pain of humiliations and wounds and shame and the self-loathing that it all stirs up, you may struggle to know what the “right thing” is.
Our ego and our pride want their due.

But if you get quiet and ask your self the questions that matter you’lll know. If you ask your self what action or belief will free you and the other person and allow for peace and health to return, you’ll know.

You’ll hear it. The guidance or instruction will be short and sweet. Simple. You will want to toss it for something “better”. Don’t.

These are acts of true self-love.

Doing the right thing will feel better~ not just for them (although it probably will) but mostly for you.
All that energy that you’ve been leaking, pouring out into this incident, this feeling, this person… you need to call it back.

Managing your energy is essential for every kind of health.

When you invest your energy in painful incidents of the past, ways you’ve been hurt, beliefs around what others should do, you will suffer. Deeply. And your health is very much related to how much of these are capturing your life force energy at any time.

When you ask what the right thing, the most healing thing, the thing your spirit is whispering if not screaming at you to do now… what is yours to do right here and now…you will know.

Trust me that you will feel better. Better in ways you may not imagine. You will. You will feel relief, and more well-being and ease as soon as you open that door and move into the new space of what you are being called to do.

You’ll feel better because now you’ve moved back into connection with your true heart, your true nature.

Our true nature plus our spiritual “team” … the nonphysical beings that guide us, won’t allow us to rest until we take care of business.

Sleepless nights, addictive behaviors, self-judgment and shame… all of these are a call to clean something up. So that you can feel better. So that your energy can go into creation, and beauty and love and things that feel good. From that place you can find resolutions that will empower you and that make your life better.

I want that for you.

If you’re bold enough, take a minute to drop me a note and tell me what you know you need to do from this perspective. What is yours to heal today? I’ll write back, I promise. Lisa at IntuitiveBody dot com. xo

If you want a powerful boost into the life that is meant to be yours you might love to Meet Your Medicine. In this 90- minute session I’ll help you see with new eyes, the unique gifts and powers that you are here to share, the ones that bring you the most love and the most satisfying success in every realm of your life. You will leave embodying a new sense of yourself and what you’re here to do. This month, I’m offering the Meet Your Medicine bundled with a copy of You Are The Temple digital retreat program for $379. You’ll save over $120 than if you buy them separately~beautiful.

With so much love and every blessing,

Lisa xox

The post Don’t Shoot The Messenger- True Healing appeared first on IntuitiveBody.

SOURCE: IntuitiveBody – Read entire story here.