Effective Strategies for Getting and Staying Fit Amid Family Summer Events – Sarah Fit

Last week, my family and I took our annual trip to Cape Cod for the Fourth of July.  These summer weeks at the Cape are unique in that we are surrounded by friends and family, and I can honestly say that I fully enjoyed every minute — all while feeling confident that I was maintaining my body composition which I had worked hard to create in the months leading up to the trip.


I felt free to fully enjoy the food laid out on the picnic tables around me without counting calories or wondering what was “on or off plan”.  I sipped my favorite beverages (tequila high noons this year!) on the beach while laughing with my friends.  And I still felt strong and energetic enough to keep up with my kids from morning until night.   


Summertime is unique in that you want to feel confident slipping on your swimsuit when you head to the beach, but also you have a lot on your plate in the summer — even if the calendar is filled with events that you are looking forward to!  

Your kids are at home for the summer.  

You are on a constant rotation of packing up for vacation, living it up for a week, and then unpacking and adjusting again after vacation.  

Meanwhile, you really just want to enjoy a High Noon on the beach with your friends while your kids play in the sand and not worry that it’s going to derail all of your hard work.  

Good news is that It IS possible to get fit, maintain results, and live it up this summer! 

Here’s What I Do to to GET & STAY FIT during the summer … without missing out on the fun.

Get creative & prioritize workouts while traveling to fire up the metabolism every day.  

This last trip to the beach, I packed my resistance bands or I some days I would just use my favorite body weight moves so that I could get my 30 minute strength workout in before the kids got up.  

When you prioritize muscle growth, you keep your body in fat burning mode long past the afternoon BBQ.  

Research shows that the amount of muscle you have on your body is directly associated with your metabolic rate, the rate at which you burn fat.  

I teach my Clients who want to create and maintain fat loss how to prioritize strength training with a couple days of HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training).  HIIT each week.  HIIT workouts on vacation are quick, fun, and easy to get in.  

The next time you have 20 minutes to sneak in a quick workout try this: 

Turn on your favorite playlist and start walking.  When the chorus hits, break out into a run.  After the chorus is done, slow your pace back down to a walk.  Repeat this cycle for 4-6 of your favorite songs and you will love how energized you feel having turned on your fat burning mode for the day! 

Now that’s a Win-Win! 

When your meal is centered around protein and you are listening to your body’s cues, you can feel free to enjoy the food at the pool party without restricting yourself.  

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