Public health, business administration degree developed for job market This week the The Red & Black interviewed Dr. Neale Chumbler, department head of health policy and management, about the new MBA/MPH dual degree now offered by the College of Public Health and Terry College of Business, continuing ongoing coverage of the new program. read more...
UGA College of Public Health receives training grant The University of Georgia College of Public Health is the recipient of a five year $3,193,000 award from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to establish the Georgia Public Health Training Center (PHTC) to improve the state's public health system by enhancing skills of the current and future public health workforce. read more...
Breakthrough: The Discovery of Insulin and Other Medical Miracles Arthur Ainsberg is the successful director of a New York-based financial firm. He is also a survivor himself and successful "hobby author," who is just completing a new book on the discovery of insulin - "a drug that turned a death sentence into s......
ADA Device Report: New ‘Jewel Pump’ is Best in Show I have lots of news from the the huge expo floor of this year's American Diabetes Association annual conference this week. To start off, one of the most impressive new devices I saw was indeed the new Jewel Pump from Debiotech out of Lausanne, Swi......