Figures Don’t Lie But Liars Figure––Will There Be Some Obamacare Rate Shock in 2015?

Hanging around actuaries as long as I have one of the old sayings I picked up was, "Figures don’t lie, but liars figure." I have read one story after another this summer and fall about the modest Obamacare rates increases––or decreases––for 2015. On this blog you have also seen me write about the complex way the 2015 Obamacare rates will hit people particularly because of the impact the changes

Hanging around actuaries as long as I have one of the old sayings I picked up was, "Figures don’t lie, but liars figure."

I have read one story after another this summer and fall about the modest Obamacare rates increases––or decreases––for 2015.

On this blog you have also seen me write about the complex way the 2015 Obamacare rates will hit people particularly because of the impact the changes
SOURCE: Health Care Policy and Marketplace Review – Read entire story here.