Gluten-Free Breakfast Cookies

Gluten-Free Breakfast Cookies Good morning Angels~ I recently attended the second of two yoga/detox workshops with my teacher in my new neighborhood (the following recipe is adapted from Alexandra’s Super Cookies recipe and this no-bake version and also this one from Oh She Glows)  I am switching up my food and even shifting yoga sequences to clear and cleanse my system as spring (could it be any slower?!!) calls to me. These gluten-free breakfast cookies are also dairy-free, and filled with everything to calm any craving. Satisfying and easy to make. Plus if you’re vegan or vegetarian or gluten-free or dairy free… these will make you happy. I have a batch in my oven right now and that

Gluten-Free Breakfast Cookies

Good morning Angels~
I recently attended the second of two yoga/detox workshops with my teacher in my new neighborhood (the following recipe is adapted from Alexandra’s Super Cookies recipe and this no-bake version and also this one from Oh She Glows)  I am switching up my food and even shifting yoga sequences to clear and cleanse my system as spring (could it be any slower?!!) calls to me.

These gluten-free breakfast cookies are also dairy-free, and filled with everything to calm any craving. Satisfying and easy to make. Plus if you’re vegan or vegetarian or gluten-free or dairy free… these will make you happy. I have a batch in my oven right now and that got Andy out of his office to see what might await him for breakfast or mid-morning snack. I can smell all of my favorite smells- vanilla, cinnamon, nuts, oats…

Today on my daily “My Intuitive Body Knows” Facebook post I wrote about how taking one small creative action, a few moments to make something can shift you out of blah or blue quickly. Tapping into our creation-energies helps clear what I call the false-identities. I want that for you.

I adapted and edited this recipe from a few others to accomodate what we had in the house and what I wanted. Here’s how mine came out (I added dried cherries and candied ginger…so good). Big points with my husband.

Gluten Free Dairy Free Breakfast Cookies

Gluten-Free Breakfast Cookies~gluten-free/dairy-free …

About 10 minutes to make and about 15 to bake.

2 1/4 cups gluten-free rolled oats (or regular)
1 ripe banana mashed
half cup almond or peanut butter
half cup sesame tahini
half cup honey or maple syrup or mix
1 tsp vanilla
1 tsp cinnamon
1/2 cup soaked raisins or other dried fruit
Add ins- dried cherries, chocolate chips/nibs, slivered nuts, candied ginger (so good).

Mix all of the ingredients well. Preheat oven to 350. Shape into 10-12 balls and flatten a bit. Bake for about 12-15 minutes. Enjoy for breakfast or snack with tea or something else that you love.

Eat slowly and mindfully, notice all of the textures and flavors. Imagine your body experiencing pure nourishment.
I want that for you, always.

And~More deliciousness, more nourishment!
The Opening The Door Session~Opening The Door badge
Where do you want to feel lighter? In your body? Around your eating? In a certain relationship? This is a super focused session for you with real solutions, my intuitive reading plus my 30 years as a psychotherapist…you+me. Plus prescribed rituals to support you in moving into lightness and ease.
Interested? Sign on here... these sessions are a pleasure and my intuitive reading is crystal clear right now- so if you want any help and want lots of focus and feedback and my intuitive super-powers on anything… Opening the Door is for you.

With love and blessings,

The post Gluten-Free Breakfast Cookies appeared first on IntuitiveBody.

SOURCE: IntuitiveBody – Read entire story here.