Harrop: Shocking sloppiness won’t doom health reforms

Protestors hold placards challenging the Affordable Care Act outside of the U.S. Supreme Court on March 4 in Washington, D.C. The court faces a momentous case on the sweeping health insurance reform law that President Barack Obama wants to leave as part of his legacy. How many politicians, aides, lobbyists, lawyers, insurance moguls, professional groups and interns — both the political and medical kind — agonized over the details in the Affordable Care Act? The number is big.

Protestors hold placards challenging the Affordable Care Act outside of the U.S. Supreme Court on March 4 in Washington, D.C. The court faces a momentous case on the sweeping health insurance reform law that President Barack Obama wants to leave as part of his legacy. How many politicians, aides, lobbyists, lawyers, insurance moguls, professional groups and interns — both the political and medical kind — agonized over the details in the Affordable Care Act? The number is big.

SOURCE: Health Insurance News – Read entire story here.