HIF Helps WA Amputee Set Sights on Paralympics

Congenital amputee Brant Garvey from WA recently embarked on a mission to raise $20,000 to purchase a running leg (running blade) which will increase his competition time and allow him to run without pain. Thanks to more than 300 generous community members at a recent quiz night in WA, including a generous donation from HIF which raised $1,100 as an auction piece, Brant has now raised enough money to purchase a running blade and secure his position representing Australian in the ITU World Triathlon Grand Final in London on 4 September 2013. Read on to find out more about Brant and learn how you can help support his journey….

Congenital amputee Brant Garvey from WA recently embarked on a mission to raise $20,000 to purchase a running leg (running blade) which will increase his competition time and allow him to run without pain. Thanks to more than 300 generous community members at a recent quiz night in WA, including a generous donation from HIF which raised $1,100 as an auction piece, Brant has now raised enough money to purchase a running blade and secure his position representing Australian in the ITU World Triathlon Grand Final in London on 4 September 2013. Read on to find out more about Brant and learn how you can help support his journey….

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.