How To Make Fitness Fun?

Keeping fit – choice, chore or challenge? Take a moment and really think about it. Are your workouts an exciting part of your routine, or simply something to tick off your checklist? Don’t worry if you answered the latter, you’re not the only one. In fact, our very own fitness guru Brian Killian detests the gym: “I hate going into gyms. Can’t stand it, running indoors overlooking a pool on a treadmill is not my idea of a good time. That’s just me; others love the comfort, the safety, the atmosphere of gyms, we are all different which is great. The point is, if you’re doing something physical you actually enjoy doing, the likelihood of you continuing is much higher than not&rdquo

Keeping fit – choice, chore or challenge? Take a moment and really think about it. Are your workouts an exciting part of your routine, or simply something to tick off your checklist? Don’t worry if you answered the latter, you’re not the only one. In fact, our very own fitness guru Brian Killian detests the gym: “I hate going into gyms. Can’t stand it, running indoors overlooking a pool on a treadmill is not my idea of a good time. That’s just me; others love the comfort, the safety, the atmosphere of gyms, we are all different which is great. The point is, if you’re doing something physical you actually enjoy doing, the likelihood of you continuing is much higher than not”. In this post, Brian offers his top five tips to make your fitness experience as enjoyable as possible, whilst also outlining the core fitness principles he abides by when constructing any type of fitness program.

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.