HPAM in Action: Student Speaks at Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day at CDC

This past Sunday, February 7th, was National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta hosted a panel of keynote speakers highlighting the event. Among the speakers was one of our own MPH- Health Policy and Management students. Erica Parks was elected to present her work on increasing HIV/AIDS awareness in the black community. Parks works with local churches to hold HIV/AIDS focus groups and prevention and education sessions for groups of African-American youth. read more

This past Sunday, February 7th, was National Black HIV/AIDS Awareness Day. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in Atlanta hosted a panel of keynote speakers highlighting the event. Among the speakers was one of our own MPH- Health Policy and Management students. Erica Parks was elected to present her work on increasing HIV/AIDS awareness in the black community. Parks works with local churches to hold HIV/AIDS focus groups and prevention and education sessions for groups of African-American youth.

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SOURCE: News – Read entire story here.