I regularly restrict during the week and then binge at night on the weekends. Recently I’ve bought laxatives to get rid of the binges. I know these…

Mental health stigmas are stupid, people are stupid and society is brainwashed. Please don’t do this to yourself hun because honestly I bet 5000{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} recovered victims out there will tell you that recovery is the best choice they have ever made. Ignore the people who think they are exaggerating, because thats not true. Everyone deserves help and support when they need. If you don’t restrict, I guarantee it will be easier for you and the urges to binge will lessen. In addition to “I’m not sick enough” you will never be unfortunately. You’re bingeing and restricting, that’s just a really important/big sign that you need immediate help and that you’re brain and body is sick. I’m here fore you if you need xx :)-Caroline

Mental health stigmas are stupid, people are stupid and society is brainwashed. Please don’t do this to yourself hun because honestly I bet 5000{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} recovered victims out there will tell you that recovery is the best choice they have ever made. Ignore the people who think they are exaggerating, because thats not true. Everyone deserves help and support when they need. If you don’t restrict, I guarantee it will be easier for you and the urges to binge will lessen. In addition to “I’m not sick enough” you will never be unfortunately. You’re bingeing and restricting, that’s just a really important/big sign that you need immediate help and that you’re brain and body is sick. I’m here fore you if you need xx 🙂


SOURCE: Eating Disorder Support and Awareness – Read entire story here.