Is Exercise the Miracle Health Cure We’ve Been Waiting For?

Is exercise the miracle health cure we’ve been waiting for? According to a recent research paper by the UK National Health Service, the answer is most certainly yes! In fact, people who regularly exercise have up to a 35{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke and up to a 50{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} lower risk of type 2 diabetes – interesting, isn’t it? But what exactly does this mean, do we have to become gym junkies to really get the health benefits of exercise? Not according to HIF fitness guru, Brian Killian…

Is exercise the miracle health cure we’ve been waiting for? According to a recent research paper by the UK National Health Service, the answer is most certainly yes! In fact, people who regularly exercise have up to a 35{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} lower risk of coronary heart disease and stroke and up to a 50{c754d8f4a6af077a182a96e5a5e47e38ce50ff83c235579d09299c097124e52d} lower risk of type 2 diabetes – interesting, isn’t it? But what exactly does this mean, do we have to become gym junkies to really get the health benefits of exercise? Not according to HIF fitness guru, Brian Killian…

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.