Is it possible to have an eating disorder where you avoid real food as much as you can, but then binge on candy and snacks? And then afterwards…

Absolutely. Basically if you avoid certain food groups for non-health/ethical reasons, or feel guilty after eating, you are definitely in eating disorder territory. Eating disorders do not all fall into the more well known anorexia or bulimia category. There are so many different ways which unhealthy food relationships manifest, and it is important to recognize thisIf it’s at all possible for you, please talk to a doctor. 

Absolutely. Basically if you avoid certain food groups for non-health/ethical reasons, or feel guilty after eating, you are definitely in eating disorder territory. Eating disorders do not all fall into the more well known anorexia or bulimia category. There are so many different ways which unhealthy food relationships manifest, and it is important to recognize this

If it’s at all possible for you, please talk to a doctor. 

SOURCE: The truth about eating disorders – Read entire story here.