Is Sugar Really Toxic?

Is sugar really toxic? According to Susie, “No other food has received the criticism that sugar has over the past couple of years. Headlines of ‘toxic’, ‘poison’ and ‘addiction’ have been constantly bantered around with sugar free devotes claiming that banning the simple molecule has changed their life and their weight forever”. But what effect does sugar really have on our bodies and is it as addictive as many media outlets publicise? In this post, Susie discusses the effects that sugar has on our bodies and offers her opinion on why labeling sugar as powerful as drugs may be giving the glucose molecule, a little too much supremacy.

Is sugar really toxic? According to Susie, “No other food has received the criticism that sugar has over the past couple of years. Headlines of ‘toxic’, ‘poison’ and ‘addiction’ have been constantly bantered around with sugar free devotes claiming that banning the simple molecule has changed their life and their weight forever”. But what effect does sugar really have on our bodies and is it as addictive as many media outlets publicise? In this post, Susie discusses the effects that sugar has on our bodies and offers her opinion on why labeling sugar as powerful as drugs may be giving the glucose molecule, a little too much supremacy.

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.