If I ignore the buzzing, the arrows will magically change direction. Look at me, laying here in bed defiantly! Ha HA!
Can I wish it away? Like, really, really wish? Or just pretend I didn’t hear it? This will totally work this time.
Absolutely, I should eat peanut butter straight out of the jar. And these cookies. And a glass of almond milk. And more cookies. And bread with butter. Is butter a carb?
I can totally finish vacuuming this room, first. Now I’ll go… oooo, that spill on the counter. I forgot about that. Gotta wipe that up. Now, where was… the window! It still has smears on it! First things first.
That conversation I half-remember having with my husband earlier today was clearly about how he shouldn’t trust my judgement when I’m low, which means that he will obviously wake out of a deep sleep just because my CGM beeped once and will know, without speaking, that he needs to procure some quick-acting carbs for me RIGHT NOW. Wait.. still snoring. NOW. I’ll just lay here a bit more. He’ll wake up. Didn’t we just talk about this? I’m pretty sure it was about me being low. So he’ll wake up….. now.
It’s not logic. It’s low-gic.