Making time for ME. – Carla Birnberg

Ahhhh People.

Life has been hectic around here lately.

I’ve mothered.

I’ve panicked about money and retirement and will I be alone forever?!

I’ve hung with some fave people and refilled my connection tank.

I’ve laughed until I cried.

I’ve created a biz I never ever saw coming.

I chatted with one of my board members (she may not know she’s on my ‘board of directors,’ but sometimes that’s how secret mentorship works :-)).

I went to the Oscars.

And it’s all conspired to derail me a bit.

Worry + Fear + Joy + Start-up Venture = Living in the MARGINS Carla.

objects in the mirror look exactly how they look at 4a.

And so I’m reminding myself.

If I don’t fill my pot–Ill be pouring from a bone dry vessel.


self-care starts HERE for me.

And so I’m reminding you, too.


It wont happen unless we plan for it.

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