Memorial Day Recap

Rise and shine! My goal for the next few weeks – get into the habit of going to bed early! The Husband and I have made pinky swear promises to be in bed by 9:30. I have realized that it takes me a good 30 minutes to get into bed once I decide to go to bed… So part of this promise is closing my book/shutting off the TV at 9:00. It’s challenging – even though I’m always exhausted by bedtime, I *want* to hang out and get my adult time, you know? We had a fun day outside yesterday. On the days that Kristien starts work late, we usually go on a big family walk after breakfast, which is so nice. We try to do a 2.2 mile loop.

Rise and shine!


My goal for the next few weeks – get into the habit of going to bed early! The Husband and I have made pinky swear promises to be in bed by 9:30. I have realized that it takes me a good 30 minutes to get into bed once I decide to go to bed… So part of this promise is closing my book/shutting off the TV at 9:00. It’s challenging – even though I’m always exhausted by bedtime, I *want* to hang out and get my adult time, you know?


We had a fun day outside yesterday.


On the days that Kristien starts work late, we usually go on a big family walk after breakfast, which is so nice. We try to do a 2.2 mile loop. The kids either each go into a stroller and we walk/run it OR I wear Claire in the Boba and Henry goes into a backpack on the Husband’s back and we walk. That’s what we did yesterday – it was hard. The kids are getting heavy!


Afterwards, we hung out with friends and played until we were sweaty and tired. Then we ran through sprinklers to cool off!


And made clover jewelry for everyone. A perfect way to kick off summer, if you ask me.


And last, but not least, I did this workout but made it 30 minutes instead of 25. I also did 10 minutes on the rower.


Here are my Pinterest boards of Swim Workouts and Track Workouts, Elliptical Workouts, and Stairclimber Workouts if you are looking for some other workout ideas.

You know how I took last week off triathlon workouts? I think I’m going to do the same thing this week. I just need another week to reenergize myself mentally and physically. I also need to figure out my training plan – and how to coordinate training for such a long race (it’s a 1500 meter swim, 28 mile bike, and 10K run) with the kiddos’ schedules!

SOURCE: Healthy Tipping Point – Read entire story here.