Motion Creates Emotion

Your mind can shape your body – but can your body shape your mind? Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve felt vulnerable, scared, uneasy or threatened? Perhaps you’ve experienced these feelings before a job interview or whilst speaking in front of a large group. Regardless, we’ve all encountered an unpleasant emotion at some stage in our lives. But what if a simple 30 minute experiment could overcome these feelings, leaving you powerful, confident and relaxed. Read more…

Your mind can shape your body – but can your body shape your mind? Have you ever been in a situation where you’ve felt vulnerable, scared, uneasy or threatened? Perhaps you’ve experienced these feelings before a job interview or whilst speaking in front of a large group. Regardless, we’ve all encountered an unpleasant emotion at some stage in our lives. But what if a simple 30 minute experiment could overcome these feelings, leaving you powerful, confident and relaxed. Read more…

SOURCE: HIF Lifestyle Blog – Read entire story here.