National Advocate for Those with Eating Disorders

If Lynn Grefe ever agreed with the adage that “you can’t be too rich or too thin,” she publicly denounced it as “dead wrong” after her teenage daughter confided that she was suffering from bulimia and anorexia. That inspired Grefe to organize a national campaign to promote education and treatment for eating disorders and to convince women whom teenage girls idolize, like fashion models, that being too thin can be fatal.

If Lynn Grefe ever agreed with the adage that “you can’t be too rich or too thin,” she publicly denounced it as “dead wrong” after her teenage daughter confided that she was suffering from bulimia and anorexia. That inspired Grefe to organize a national campaign to promote education and treatment for eating disorders and to convince women whom teenage girls idolize, like fashion models, that being too thin can be fatal.

SOURCE: Eating Disorders News – Read entire story here.