Ask D’Mine: How to Stack Insulin, and a Mystery Diagnosis Welcome to another edition of our weekly Ask D'Mine column! But before we get started, we want to wish Amy a very Happy Birthday today! We hope Amy has a fabulous and relaxing day with her family and friends. She deserves it!And now, back to our r......
Ossur to announce clinical trials for implanted myoelectric sensors for brain-controlled prosthetics Ossur, an Icelandic based prosthetics development company is set to announce the beginning of clinical trials for its Proprio foot, a new kind of brain controlled prosthetic ankle and foot. Instead of trying to connect the device to nerves, the robotic limb uses sensors to detect nerve signals in muscles near the point where the limb was removed. The limb then analyses those signals and converts them to movement in real time, which is reportedly very close to that of natural limbs....