Ossur to announce clinical trials for implanted myoelectric sensors for brain-controlled prosthetics Ossur, an Icelandic based prosthetics development company is set to announce the beginning of clinical trials for its Proprio foot, a new kind of brain controlled prosthetic ankle and foot. Instead of trying to connect the device to nerves, the robotic limb uses sensors to detect nerve signals in muscles near the point where the limb was removed. The limb then analyses those signals and converts them to movement in real time, which is reportedly very close to that of natural limbs....
Bringing Awareness to Your Breath Guest post written by: Lucy Hendricks We live in a society where our minds are going 100 mph, running through thousands of thoughts each day; most of which are completely useless and repetitive. We never have the chance to slow down and chill out. Although, stress is not necessarily a bad thing, you do need to be able to adapt to it and manage it. At Gym Laird, we try to help people manage their stress with the concept of the Imaginary Stress Cup. All of life’s daily stresses go into the imaginary cup. If you want to look good...