Ohio Urgently Needs Your Support, Too!

Ohio pro-choice forces urgently need support. From Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio: TOMORROW IN OHIO – The last votes that your lawmakers will cast on the state budget before it is sent to Gov. Kasich. It includes defunding. It includes transfer agreement bans that could close many abortion providers in Ohio. It includes the forced ultrasound amendment they added yesterday. Stand with Ohio women! From a Facebook event page: Inspired by Texan Women, please wear RED for Ohio and join us to show Ohio’s Legislature & Governor Kasich that we Stand With Ohio Women beginning at 10 AM Thursday with a Press Conference on the High Street/West entrance side. We’ll then pack the Gallery for what could a long day! (wear comfy shoes!).

Ohio pro-choice forces urgently need support.

From Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio:

TOMORROW IN OHIO – The last votes that your lawmakers will cast on the state budget before it is sent to Gov. Kasich. It includes defunding. It includes transfer agreement bans that could close many abortion providers in Ohio. It includes the forced ultrasound amendment they added yesterday. Stand with Ohio women!

From a Facebook event page:

Inspired by Texan Women, please wear RED for Ohio and join us to show Ohio’s Legislature & Governor Kasich that we Stand With Ohio Women beginning at 10 AM Thursday with a Press Conference on the High Street/West entrance side. We’ll then pack the Gallery for what could a long day! (wear comfy shoes!). Spread the word – this is a non-partisan event for ALL of us who believe that Ohio’s Budget should not be the “Abortion Budget”. Demand a VETO on abortion amendments! *** if you can not make it in person, please call Gov Kasich 614-466-3555. Tell him to veto all of the attacks on access to reproductive healthcare! See y’all in Columbus! #StandwOHWomen

Go get ’em, y’all. More love from Nashville.

Filed under: Access, Rights, & Choice, Ethics, Events & Observances, Government
SOURCE: Women’s Health News – Read entire story here.